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Author Profile

Becca Robertson

Member since 4 months ago

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I am an Oxford based Doula and mum of two. I offer practical and informational support as well as emotional care and attention to mothers and parents-to-be during pregnancy, birth and the early days. At the core, my role is to help you identify what it is you really need and desire. To tap in to and connect with what is deeply held. My goal is to support you in accessing what you need and satisfying your desires with authority and autonomy.

I’m here to champion you, your body, your voice, your choice and your birth. To walk alongside you on your path to parenthood. (Note: I’m also happy to sit, stand, sway or dance – whatever you need!) Think of me as your own personal cheerleader for birth.

To be clear from the outset, I’m a cheerleader for ALL births; wherever and however they unfold. There is no right or wrong for me. Only what's right for you. I look forward to walking beside you.